We are proud to be one of Alabama’s only Rachio ™ Smart Sprinkler dealers. From their site:
Rachio’s top-rated smart sprinkler controller is the brain behind your complete lawn ecosystem. Water when your lawn needs it, automatically, to easily lock in lawn nutrients for maximum effectiveness and greener results.
We are proud to offer this product as an incredible added-value to our Client’s lawncare repertoire. The Rachio Rachio ™ Smart Sprinkler Controller wirelessly updates to your area’s latest weather conditions, saving you money, while conserving precious natural resources. There’s nothing worse than waking up to rain, and seeing your sprinkler system running!
As a Rachio ™ Certified Professional, we can program, update, and maintain your system controller without needing access to your garage – have your system worked on without having to disrupt your day! For more information, see our product guide here:
or visit www.rachio.com